Hillary and the “Deplorables”

carsonI hope some Hillary backers learn from her comments about Trump supporters. It doesn’t seem her inner circle has. The talking points they circulated to their surrogates said she made a mistake by saying “half” rather than “some.” That stance saddens me.

Her description of the “deplorables” was bad enough, but how she described the second “basket” was even worse because the condescension is less obvious. About those people she said:

That other basket of people are people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they’re just desperate for change. It doesn’t really even matter where it comes from.

To say that those frustrated Trump supporters are suffering so much from extreme anxiety they are irrational is also an insult. In his Facebook Live commentary, Van Jones  presented a much different perspective. Unfortunately, it seems Hillary did not hear it.

Her remarks yesterday were not out of the blue. At other events in August which were closed to the press, she used the “baskets” metaphor. Why didn’t any of her people alert her to the risk involved?

In “I Love Donald Trump,” “Arlie Hochschild and Crossover Issues,”and other recent posts I’ve addressed those issues, sensing their importance.

But little did I anticipate that Hillary would place them front and center. I fear it will cost her the election.


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